Online Antakshari on Facebook – Play Uninor Untakshari Game

Uninor introduced first online Untakshari (Antyakshari) in online, via facebook. All facebook users who have joined Uninor Facebook page can play this game.

How to Play:

Adding a song to the uninor untakshari or my untakshari chain

  1. Note the ‘last letter’ in the untakshari chain
  2. Think of a song that begins with that letter
  3. Type the song name (or words in the song name) in the search bar and click ‘search’
  4. If your song’s name does begin with the ‘last letter’ of the chain, it will be displayed on your screen (scroll sideways if you wish to see another song with the same keywords)
  5. On clicking ‘select’, video options will be presented for you to attach to the song (this is mandatory)
  6. Select a video from the options or refine your search further by checking the boxes – ‘funny’ or ‘remix’
  7. Just click ‘add to untakshari’
  8. If your submission is valid, it is added to the uninor untakshari chain

[advt]Starting your own untakshari chain

  1. In the my untakshari section of the application, click on ‘start your own untakshari’
  2. You will be taken to your own my untakshari page
  3. Here, you may set any song as the first song by searching for the song using the search bar
  4. If your song exists in our database, it will be displayed on the screen
  5. On clicking ‘select’, video options will be presented for you to attach to the song (this is mandatory)
  6. Select a videofrom the options or refine your search further by checking the boxes – ‘funny’ or ‘remix’
  7. Just click ‘add to my untakshari’ and your song will be the first song in your own untakshari chain!
  8. Your chain is now ready to grow! invite friends to play uninor untakshari with you – let the games begin!

If your search produces no song or video results it could mean:

  • The song you wish to add already exists in that thread
  • Keywords entered are incorrect
  • The song does not exist in our database
  • Associated videos for the song do not exist (in this scenario, a default uninor video will be displayed on the screen)


  • An untakshari player can add songs of various languages (hindi, english, bengali, gujarati, kannada, malayalam, Marathi & konkani, oriya, tamil, telugu
  • The writing system/script used in the uninor untakshari is roman/english for all languages
  • A song may only be entered into the uninor untakshari chain once – if the song you are trying to enter already exists in the chain, it will not be accepted (invalid)
  • After a song has been accepted into the chain, you get 5 minutes to submit the next entry
  • Within these 5 minutes, multiple players may try to enter their songs for the same last letter
  • In this scenario, the valid song entered first is added to the chain
  • The rest of the valid songs (for the same last letter) are also accepted but queued
  • These queued songs will be accepted into the chain later, when the same last letter appears in the uninor untakshari again
  • The player will be informed when the queued song is accepted
  • Ranks are awarded as per the number of accepted song entries by a player in the uninor untakshari chain – the player whose maximum songs get accepted in the chain, gets the highest rank and so on
  • A player may consider song options by scrolling sideways
  • Video selection is mandatory – the player may also filter the video search by selecting funny or remix

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