Mendeley Research Organizing Software – Collaborate With Other Researchers Online

Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research. Mendeley is a combination of a desktop application and a website which helps you manage, share and discover both content and contacts in research.

Mendeley finds ways to make the research process more efficient. Mendeley believe in the power of big data and creative analysis to change how research is done in big and trivial ways. It is cross-platform. It runs on Windows, Mac and Linux OS.

  • [advt]Automatically generate bibliographies
  • Collaborate easily with other researchers online
  • Easily import papers from other research software
  • Find relevant papers based on what you’re reading
  • Access your papers from anywhere online
  • Read papers on the go, with new mendely iPhone app
  • Know More About Mandeley

Download Mendeley

Mendeley Desktop software, offers you:

  • Automatic extraction of document details (authors, title, journal etc.) from academic papers into a library database, which saves you a lot of manual typing! As more people use Mendeley, the quality of the data extraction improves.
  • Super-efficient management of your papers: “Live” full-text search across all your papers – the results start to appear as you type! Mendeley Desktop also lets you filter your library by authors, journals or keywords. You can also use document collections, notes and tags to organize your knowledge, and export the document details in different citation styles.
  • Sharing and synchronisation of your library (or parts of it) with selected colleagues. This is perfect for jointly managing all the papers in your lab!
  • More great features: A plug-in for citing your articles in Microsoft Word, OCR (image-to-text conversion, so you can full-text search all your scanned PDFs) and lots more new features being worked upon.

Mendeley Web website, complements Mendeley Desktop by offering you these features:

  • An online back up of your library: Store your documents in your account and access them from anywhere through your browser.
  • Detailed statistics of all things interesting: You can upload your own publications to your research profiles, then track the evolution of your readership. How often are your papers downloaded? How often are they read? From which academic disciplines and geographic regions do your readers come from? Additionally, there are detailed statistics for each academic discipline and research topic. Who are the up-and-coming authors in your discipline? Is the interest in a research topic growing or declining? What are the most widely read papers on a specific subject?
  • A research network that allows you to keep track of your colleagues’ publications, conference participations, awards etc., and helps you discover people with research interests similar to yours.

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