Keepstream – Organize Tweets, Facebook Posts, and Bookmarks

Keepstream is a social media tool that helps organize tweets, Facebook posts, and website bookmarks into shareable, embeddable collection pages. Collections are useful for bloggers, marketers, or just about anyone who wants to oraganize the chatter from a conference or event, a news headline, or a hashtag chat.

keepstream engage in hashtag chats and conferences, and see great industry news and tips, experience breaking news and links, and share fun quotes and pics. Keepstream provides a powerful free tool for finding and archiving the important social content you want to save.


  • Grab tweets from Twitter.
  • Organize into collections.
  • Embed in your blog post.
  • This is aimed at marketers, PR professionals and social media managers in small-medium size businesses as well as small companies with a DIY approach to social media.

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