Import Your Facebook Contacts to Yahoo Mail

To import your Facebook contacts into Yahoo! Contacts:

  1. Please visit Yahoo! Contacts
  2. Under the “Popular Tools” section, please choose Import Your Contacts from other accounts to Yahoo!.
  3. Then click on the Import now link.
  4. On the next page, click on the Facebook icon.
  5. Using the login window that opens, please log into Facebook using your Facebook User ID and password. Please note that after you click login, we will authorize your account and begin importing your contacts. This may take a minute or two depending on your Internet connection speed and how many Facebook friends you have.
  6. Next, you will see a total number of imported contacts from Facebook. You will then be able to choose to Get Updates or Skip.” Please understand that by choosing Updates you will be able to view updates from the other Yahoo! Mail account users in your Contacts.
  7. When you are finished, please click the Done button.

Your Facebook contacts have now been imported into Yahoo! Contacts.

The maximum number of contacts you can store in your Yahoo! Contacts is 5000. This includes those imported from Facebook or any other email account.[source]


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