Edit HTML, CSS and PHP Files with Code Editor – Download SilverEdit for Android

logoSilver Edit is a simple code editor app that lets you code up full HTML,  CSS and PHP files, which can then be saved to your phone or you can send it to your email account. It can Create,  Edit,  Preview your pages offline or online. You can download files through the FTP as well as managing your local files and folders.[androidqrcode:  com.dictatordesigns.silveredit]

SilverEdit supports most known web type documents and the ability to save your documents.  Together with the FTP app you can even build and push websites with the Android.  Though this app is still working with Android devices,  it is stabilizing with every new version, of which version 3 is currently in development.

Download SilverEdit for Android

Supported file types:

html ,htm, xhtml, shtml, shtm, hta ,stm ,ssi, inc, css,php ,php3 ,php4, php5 ,tpl ,phtml, xml ,xsl, xsd ,dtd, rss, rdf,jsp, jst, asp, asa, aspx, ascx, asmx, cs, vb.

Supported Editors:

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Access SilverEdit

To get the SilverEdit Lite you could either download it from Android Market by searching for SilverEdit.  Or use a QR-code scanner if you have one and scan the SilverEdit Lite code. If you like SilverEdit Lite and want to unlock all the features found on Now & Future you could buy SilverEdit which is only available at Android Market for the moment.


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