ClipboardFusion – Free Software to Enhance Windows Clipboard

ClipboardFusion is free software to enhance Windows clipboard. This is a way of managing text that has been pasted or copied to Windows. Using different features such as text replace will replace characters with copied text. Copy can also be extended to colors and visuals. Macros allow the user to either use the pre-formatted macros or develop their own and test them for use. Scrubbing can also strip areas of text leaving areas of white.

It helps to manage the Windows clipboard. This keeps the Clipboard clean and ready to use. By using different features such as copy to see the preview of a color as well as using Text Replace to replace text easily without having to make so many keystrokes. This makes using a clipboard so much easier to do. No matter what you do with a clipboard, this program can help you to do it better.

Download ClipboardFusion


  • Macros – use your own or use pre-programmed
  • Copy – for colors and text
  • [advt]Text Scubbing – Removing html and white space from clipboard
  • Text Replace – Replaces text in any copied text

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