Block / Ban Certain Websites Without Using any Software

Are you worried about your children who spend a lot of time sitting infront of internet. Are they addicted to certain websites?. This article will help you to block those websites which your children are addicted to. This technique will help you to block websites on your home computer without investing in expensive software. This will work only for Windows PCs.

Step 1: Click the Start button and select Run. Now type the following text in that Run box:

notepad c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

Step 2: You will see a new notepad window on your screen containing some cryptic information. Goto the last line of the file, hit the enter key and type the following:

Save the file and exit. That’s it. None of the above sites will now open on your computer.

You can block as many websites as you like with the above technique. If you want to remove the ban later, open the same file by typing ‘notepad c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts’ in run and delete the above lines.[source]

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