India Has the Second Largest Number of Facebook Users in World: Forbes

Facebook LogoIndians are the second largest users of Facebook next to US, according to Forbes. Indonesia finally dethroned from the second place by India. As of February 1 2012, India has a total of 43,497,980 Facebook users compared to 43,060,360 in Indonesia.

Within a year, India raised from no. 6 to no. 2 in the Total Facebook Users (Global) list. In the past 12 months or so, Facebook registered strong user uptake in India. On January 1, 2011, India has a total of 16,915,900 Facebook users. By the end of 2011, the total exceeded 41 users – a 144% growth rate in 2011!

In November 2010, Indonesia surpassed the UK to become the country with the second largest number of Facebook users in world, after the U.S.


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