Free, Anonymous, Disposable Custmozised Email Service – Mailinator

mailinator logoMailinator is a different kind of email service where you don’t need to sign up. Mailinator will accept mail for any e-mail address within the domain, and allows anyone to read it. There is no need to register for an account or authenticate via a password. It is intended to provide users with an anonymous and temporary e-mail address to help reduce Inbox spam.

Any email name you can think of already exists at Arriving email with a specific recipient name “creates” accounts at Mailinator. It is not required that an account or mailbox with the recipient’s name be created beforehand. Want [email protected]? You got it. Want to be JacquesKooStow? ScaryGavyn? GraysonTheMason? No problem. They exist when you create them and they are just waiting for you to check your inbox.


  • Use any inbox you like
  • No Sign-up
  • Inboxes are created when email arrives for them[advt]
  • Make up email addresses on the fly
  • Make-up address, give it to others, come here and check inbox!
  • RSS/Atom feeds for every Inbox
  • Give out a Mailinator address any time you need an email address but don’t want to get spammed!

To check received mail, a user goes to the Mailinator website and enters the recipient name. There are no passwords and there is no way to keep others from seeing the e-mail, except by choosing a very-hard-to-guess username (usernames can be up to 25 characters in length) or using the “cloaked” address for that username (as explained below). Therefore, Mailinator is not intended and should not be used for sensitive information. Users can delete e-mail upon reading it or allow the system to auto-delete it after a few hours. Mail cannot be sent from the Mailinator website.

Mailinator has introduced a “cloaking” feature in which every recipient name has a cloaked identifier starting with “M8R-” and a string of characters. Mail may be sent to either the original recipient name or the cloaked name. Mail will only go to the mailbox for the original recipient name, and the cloaked address will always have an empty mailbox. For example, the recipient name wikipedia (“[email protected]”) will also have the cloaked address M8R-as16dx (“[email protected]”). Mail sent to the cloaked address M8R-as16dx will go to the destination mailbox wikipedia, while the M8R-as16dx mailbox will always be empty. There is no way to translate the cloaked address into the destination address.

Emails may be viewed in unmodified “text view” mode. Mailboxes may also be accessed directly via the URL as in

All mail sent to mailinator is automatically deleted after a few hours whether or not the user reads it. [source]

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