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Free Software

Download UniRed Unicode Plain Text Editor

UniRed is a Unicode plain text editor. It supports many different character sets, as well as surrogates. It also supports syntax highlighting and regular expressions in search-and-replace. It supports many charsets, in particular 16-bit Unicode, UTF-8, Windows system charset […]

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Web Apps

Schedule Tweets Using Buffer

Buffer makes your life easier with a smarter way to schedule tweets. It to offer you a both personal and yet more efficient solution to handle twitter. Work out all your tweets at one point in time during the day. Then fill up your Buffer with your tweets and It schedules them for you […]

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Web Apps – Post RSS to Social Networks is an easy way to syndicate content online. It provides bloggers, publishers and brands, both large and small, with a way to expand their reach on the social web and into new channels. Its tools make it easy to manage and measure the flow of your content everywhere […]