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Free Software

Free RSS News Feed Reader – Download RSSOwl

RSSOwl is a news aggregator for RSS and Atom News feeds. It is written in Java, and is built on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform which uses SWT as a widget toolkit to allow it to fit in with the look and feel of different operating systems. RSSOwl is free software […]

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Free Software

FunnyPhotoFrames – Add Photo Frames Online

FunnyPhotoFrames is an online photo editor should simplifies photo editing and funny photo effects just in seconds with some mouse clicks, no advanced skills are need.Combining effect and frames are the main features. creative frames that will decorate your simple casual shots. […]

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Free Software

GNU Gatekeeper Software – Download for Free

The GNU Gatekeeper (GnuGk) is an open-sourced project that implements an H.323 gatekeeper based on the OpenH323 or H323Plusstack. It provides address translation, admissions control, call routing, authorization and accounting services to an H.323 system defined on the H.323 standard by ITU-T. […]

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Free Software

Download Psi – Free Instant Messaging Software

Psi is a free GPL instant messaging client for the XMPP protocol which uses the Qt toolkit. Fast and lightweight, it supports multi-platforms. XMPP allows gateways to other services, which many servers support, it can also connect to the Yahoo! Messenger and other Service networks. […]