Universal Charger – Standard Phone Charger by Early 2011

A universal charger that can be used to charge any mobile phone irrespective of the manufacturer is coming early in 2011. The world’s 14 most prominent mobile manufacturers have been sent details by the European Commission of a new standard connection, after they agreed to sign up to it in June 2009.

The technical specifications are based on the micro-USB connector that many mobile manufacturers have already begun to use. Samsung, Apple, Nokia and Research in Motion, the maker of the BlackBerry, are among those that have agreed to adopt it.

According to European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship,[advt]

“Now it is time for industry to show its commitment to sell mobile phones for the new charger. The common charger will make life easier for consumers, reduce waste and benefit businesses. It is a true win-win situation. Incompatibility of chargers for mobile phones is not only a major inconvenience for users, but also a considerable environmental problem. Users who want to change their mobile phones must usually acquire a new charger and dispose of the old one, even if it is in good condition.”

Once the universal mobile charger hits the market, it will make life easier for mobile phone users by removing the incompatibility of mobile chargers and moreover by eliminating the e-waste. [source]

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