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Facebook Messages (new) – Email, Chat and Text

Facebook announced the roll out of an all-in-one messaging service that allows its members to communicate with people outside the social network. The new system will let users own “” addresses. It will let users send and receive instant and text messages in addition to standard email and Facebook notes. Facebook is rolling out the new Messages to everyone gradually. Request for an invitation. […]

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Mobile News

Watching YouTube Video on a Smartphone == Sending 500,000 Text Messages

According to Derek McManus, chief technology officer for O2 UK “Watching a YouTube video on a smartphone can use the same capacity on the network as sending 500,000 text messages simultaneously.” This means, distributing mobile TV and VOD (Video On Demand) to an audience of that size is another matter, especially when mobile networks are feeling the strain of high volumes of data traffic. MobiTV, a provider of live streaming and VOD services to over 8 million subscribers, believes that if mobile TV is going to compete with traditional television, mobile operators must be able to address audience peaks in order to meet consumer demand for live TV and VOD. […]

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Sexting & Tips to Prevent Sex Texting

Sexting (sex texting) is the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos or videos electronically, via cell phones or instant messenger. Latest technology allows photographs and videos, which are intrinsically more explicit and have greater impact. A social danger with sexting is that material can be very easily and widely promulgated, over which the originator has no control. With sexting spreading, young people send explicit and indecent photos to each other using their mobile phones.