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Mobile Apps

Adobe Reader for Android now in Android Market, for Free

Adobe Reader for Android is now available in the Android Market, for free. It extends Adobe PDF software to devices based on the Android platform. Adobe Reader is published on the Android Market and can be accessed by searching “Adobe Reader” in the Market application from your Smartphone. It offers multi-touch gestures, like pinch-and-zoom, as well as double-tap-zoom, flick-scrolling and panning. […]

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Mobile News

Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Improved for Smart Phones

The new Adobe Flash Player 10.1 will be unveiled next week to about 5,000 attendees at Adobe’s annual worldwide developers conference, MAX 2009, at the Los Angeles Convention Center next week. The new Flash player will work on a wide variety of netbooks, smart phones, TV set top boxes, smart phones and other devices, except iPhone. […]

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Nine Ball – New Web Threat Infecting Websites

Nine Ball is a multi-layered Web browser attack targeting legitimate websites to redirect users to malicious sites and infects PCs through a Adobe Reader and Quick Time, and then trying to download Trojans and keylogger code without the user’s consent or knowledge. Once infected, anything the victim types can be monitored and used to commit identity theft, such as credit card numbers, passwords and more. […]

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MSM and Technology

Some time ago, one of my friends got a job offer from Adobe. Recently another friend got an offer from Autodesk. One of the reasons for their job changes was that they wanted to do […]