MTS MBlaze and MBrowse Customer Care Phone Number: 9135-955-955
- MTS Mobile Customer Care Service Phone Number:
- Dial 155 (Toll Free) from MTS mobile phone
- dial 9135-155-155, if calling from a landline or non-MTS mobile
- MTS Customer Care Email Address: [email protected]
- MTS Customer Service Fax : 9135-166-166
Postal Address of MTS Customer Service Manager at the Circle Head Office:
[advt]Sistema Shyam TeleServices Limited
5th, 6th & 7th Floor, Abdul Hai Commercial Complex,
Exhibition Road,
Phone: 0612-6500-170
In case you are not satisfied with the response within the timelines, please feel free to contact MTS Nodal Officer with your Service Request / Complaint Number (the unique number you get when you register with MTS Customer Care) anytime from Monday to Friday, between 9:30 am and 6:00 pm.*
Nodal Officer (Bihar-Jharkhand)
Fax No. 9135-761-102
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
Sistema Shyam TeleServices Limited
5th, 6th & 7th Floor, Abdul Hai Commercial Complex, Exhibition Road,
Contact No. 9135-255-255 from MTS No. and 9135-255-255 from any Non-MTS No
The Nodal Officer will acknowledge your complaint in 3 working days and put his/her full efforts towards its earliest resolution.
In the instance that, the resolution provided to you by our Nodal Officer is not to your satisfaction, and you still want to appeal further, you can do so by contacting our Appellate Authority with your Service Request Number (unique number you get post registering your complaint with the Nodal Officer) anytime from Monday to Friday, between 9.30 am and 6.00 pm*.
Appellate (Bihar-Jharkhand)
Fax No. 9135-266-266
E-Mail: [email protected]
Sistema Shyam TeleServices Limited
5th, 6th & 7th Floor, 5th, 6th & 7th Floor,
Abdul Hai Commercial Complex,
Exhibition Road,
Contact No 355 (Short Code) from MTS Mobile and 9135-355-355 from any Non MTS No.
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