iSkoot – Stay Connect with Mobile Phones

iSkoot is the simple services that use to stay connected would be even better if they worked on the mobile phones it carry around for the express purpose of, well staying connected. And not just on some mobile phones. And not just over WiFi or 3G.  And not in a way that degrades the overall performance of the network.

Making Internet services work on mobile phones means:

  • [advt]making them work for everyone
  • on the handsets most people use today
  • over wireless networks most people can access
  • in partnership with the mobile operators who built the network in the first place

It began with the best internet calling service, it had the opportunity to work with Skype and wireless operator 3 Mobile to develop software.

The iSkoot Platform is  a unique architecture that moves data-intensive tasks off of the phone and onto a smarter network that can pick up the slack.



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