Emurse – Online Tool Helps to Create Resume

Emurse is an anagram for Resume and a powerful online tool designed to help take control of your job hunt. It allows job seekers to easily create and maintain a professional resume that is hosted online, available for download in any needed format. Making additions and keeping resumes up-to-date and ready to go has never been easier.

Emurse helps working professionals take control of their online identity. Resumes and profiles can be hosted at a customizable website address. Instant notifications allow the candidate to know exactly when and from where potential employers viewed their resume. Password protection and other privacy controls can be used to control access. Detailed statistics and graphs aid in effective resume distribution and harness the power of all the major search engines at once.

[advt]Emurse analyzes your resumes and displays relevant job postings in your local area, bringing the job hunt directly to the you, the job seeker. Be informed of quality job listings from all over the web without the hassle of multiple job search engines. Enjoy personalized job postings with much less effort than other online job hunting sites.

Resumes come in all shapes and sizes. It also supports users from all over the world looking to use their native language on their resume. From a data import perspective, resume data presents a pretty interesting challenge. It currently testing a resume import feature that should work for most users.


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