Eliminate Spam from a Computer’s Email System – Comodo AntiSpam

Comodo Antispam LogoComodo AntiSpam is an intuitive, easy-to-use, client-based software product that eliminates spam from a computer’s email system. It uses ‘Passcode Authentication’ technology, an active-filtering algorithm to authenticate senders of each incoming email message.  It will eliminate email spam.

If senders of an email are not on the “allowed” or “blocked” lists, the message is temporarily stored, and a special Anti Spam Alert (ASA) message is automatically sent back to the senders. The ASA message includes the Anti Spam Passcode via a graphical attachment.[advt]

The ASA message asks the sender to reply and type in the passcode in the body of the reply. The idea behind sending the passcode as a graphic is to require a human to read the code and then type it in the reply. An automated actual spammer can’t reply correctly, so their mail gets stored with other junk.

Download Comodo AntiSpam


  • Total Spam Elimination: Passcode Authentication Technology authenticates the sender of every incoming message, destroying spam for good.
  • Easy set-up with zero hassle: Simple plug-and-play installation with no filter rules to configure or long training sessions.
  • Sender-based authentication: AntiSpam doesn’t rely on complicated rules or outside “allowed lists” – only okay the senders you trust.
  • Stay informed when possible spam arrives: An audio alert option so you know that a possible spam email has been stored in AntiSpam’s Quarantine Database.
  • Complete Spam-bot thwarting: AntiSpam’s passcode-based system ends the nuisance of spam-bots conclusively.
  • Instant migration of allowed and banned lists: Easily import any pre-existing lists of friendly senders or known spammers.
  • One-click bandwidth optimization: Fine tune AntiSpam to work at maximum speed and efficiency for your Internet connection.
  • Perfect for e-commerce: Auto-authenticates purchase-receipt messages, ensuring you never miss vital order confirmations from online retailers.
  • Takes the fight back to the spammers: Enable spam reporting and automatically notify the postmaster of a spammer’s domain when junk mail is sent.

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