Build, Share, Improve and Compare Skills Profiles of Developers Using Gild

Gild LogoGild is where developers build, share, improve, and compare their skills profiles. Gild profiles are based upon sophisticated science, including skills tests, skills endorsements and real world validation, making Gild skills profiles the only data-driven profiles of a developer’s abilities.

By sharing and comparing skills profiles, developers meet other developers from all over the world and see how they stack up. And in doing so, they expand their networks and improve their skills.

Gild is the only place where skills are scientifically measured, giving developers the ability to understand how they rank, promote their skills and stand out on merit.

  • Build: Build a profile that really reflects your abilities–your skills, your experience, your network. Gild focuses on what you know, not who you know, which is why Gild enables developers to build a skills profile that reflects their real talents.
  • Share: Share your profile across multiple networks and let your skills show how good you really are. Share your skills profile with your friends and colleagues, or promote it to employers. By sharing and comparing your Gild profile, you connect with other developers from all over the world. You’ll see how you stack up, expand your network and improve your skills—all while having fun.
  • Compare: Compare your skills profile to see how you stack up against developers all over the world. Because Gild is built around data-driven skills profiles, you can get real insight into where you stand. The Gild comparison engine enables you to discover your position in your network, your city, your country, even the world.


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