A Form Filler is a freeware that automatically fills windows form as quickly as they appear on your screen and takes predefined action on them immediately. It can watch for login window of Gmail, and automatically fill your credentials in that. Or, it can watch for any alerts that come during system startup, and automatically take care of them.
Basically, you can define software windows that you want to keep track of, and then specify the keystrokes that you want to send to those Windows. A Form Filler will then keep on running in the background. Whenever it finds that any of the predefined windows has come up on screen, it will immediately send keystrokes to it that you had earlier provided. You can define as many windows as you want, and then specify individual keystrokes to send to each window.
Imagine having:
- [advt]windows that delay your system startup being automatically dealt with,
- repetitive information entered on your PDF forms as soon as you open them,
- password prompt windows securely filled in and then ‘Ok’ed,
- pesky message boxes dismissed without you lifting a finger,
- a series of windows, for example to open up a connection to another PC, automatically filled in.
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