AMD Fusion A-Series – Better HD Graphics and Long Battery Life

AMDAMD announced the new high-performance AMD Fusion A-Series Accelerated Processing Units (APUs). The AMD A-Series APUs enable brilliant HD graphics, supercomputer-like performance and long hours of battery life. AMD A-Series APUs combine up to four x86 CPU cores with powerful DirectX11 capable discrete-level graphics and up to 400 Radeon cores along with dedicated HD video processing on a single chip. It supports multitasking, vivid graphics, lifelike games, lag-free videos, ultimate multimedia performance gestural interfaces, multi-monitor support, 3D entertainment and real-time image stabilization.

AMD A-Series APU delivering more than 10.5 hours of resting battery life. Users can get their work done or watch multiple HD movies on a single charge. Additionally, AMD dynamic switchable graphics optimize battery life on PCs featuring AMD dual-graphics solutions by intelligently managing power states on the APU and separate discrete AMD Radeon GPU.

[advt]Using AMD A-Series APU, HD video is crystal clear through dedicated video playback technology and dynamic post-processing, and websites render faster with accelerated HTML5 and Direct2D performance. Editing, transferring and viewing HD content is fast and easy with support for advanced connection standards, including HDMI 1.4a, DisplayPort 1.1, and USB 3.0, along with native support for multiple monitors.

With up to 400 gigaflops for notebook, and up to 500 gigaflops for desktops, AMD A-Series APUs ensure users have the horsepower needed to handle the most demanding applications such as video and image processing, facial recognition, gesture recognition and multitasking scenarios. It dynamically optimizes and boosts CPU and GPU performance to power-efficient levels depending on the applications being run.[source]


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