Mozilla released their latest version of Firefox Browser, Mozilla Fierfox 10 which focuses on under-the-hood enhancements and bug fixes. Mozilla has added some new front-facing features to Firefox 10, including improvements to add-on compatibility and built-in developer tools.
Firefox now automatically marks add-ons as compatible with the browser without requiring add-on developers to code support by hand. The browser also automatically checks for add-on updates every 24 hours.
As for the developer tools, Firefox 10 now includes a tightly-integrated set of CSS, HTML and DOM inspectors. This allows web developers to quickly zero in on any portion of a live (or locally hosted) web page and enable real-time previewing.
New Features addes
- Most add-ons are now compatible with new versions of Firefox by default[advt]
- The forward button is now hidden until you navigate back
- Anti-Aliasing for WebGL is now implemented
- CSS3 3D-Transforms are now supported
- New <bdi> element for bi-directional text isolation, along with supporting CSS properties
- Full Screen APIs allow you to build a web application that runs full screen
Fore developers
- Mozilla have added IndexedDB APIs to more closely match the specification
- Inspect tool with content highlighting, includes new CSS Style Inspector [source]
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