ISRO Bhuvan Geoportal is Enhanced, Added New Features
The Bhuvan, ISRO’s mapping application is now revamped. National Remote Sensing Centre of ISRO, Hyderabad has revamped its Geoportal Bhuvan (www.bhuvan.nrsc.gov.in) providing enhanced user experience. The Bhuvan team have now removed the login process to access the application. You will be taken directly to the 3D globe page wherein you can explore all the Bhuvan functionality. Bhuvan is poised with a vision to be a one-stop versatile Indian Earth Observation visualization system evincing the Indian imaging capabilities. Bhuvan visualization portal is now serving the global data from IRS P6 (Resourcesat-1)-AWiFS data. Updated raster and thematic information, Bhuvan 2D Viewer and Ocean related services will soon be launched. […]