Mobile Apps

PMO India Mobile App – PM Invites Ideas

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is inviting ideas from the public for developing a mobile app for the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). Yes, our PM wants to make the PMO mobile friendly. The PMO will launch a competition through the website to seek ideas for the PMO mobile app. […]

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Podio Online Work Platform App for Android and iOS

Podio is an online work platform with a new take on how everyday work gets done. Combining hundreds of specialized and flexible work apps with messaging, tasks, reporting, workflow and contact management, Podio lets you build and shape the online workplace most fitting to your role. […]

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Mobile Apps

Tag Photos Automatically Using TagSense Mobile App

A new app called TagSense which is developed by students from Duke University and the University of South Carolina, does photo tagging for the user. It works by taking advantage of the multiple sensors on a mobile phone, as well as those of other mobile phones in the vicinity. […]