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Mobile News

Service Provider Codes for Mobile Number Portability (MNP)

The unique porting code which shall provide a Unique Porting Code consisting of 8 characters of which the first two shall be alphabets that denote the service provider code and service area code which have been specified by the Authority and the remaining 6 characters shall contain 1 to 9, A-N & P-Z only, and small letters and the alphabet ‘O’ shall not be allowed. […]

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Mobile News

What is Unique Porting Code? UPC Eligibility & Procedures

Send SMS PORT Mobile No. to 1900 to get 8 digit number called UPC. „PORT‟ followed by a space followed by the ten digit mobile number which is to be ported which shall be case insensitive. (i.e. it can be port or Port etc.) The subscriber‟s Caller Line. Identification should match with the ten digit mobile number in the SMS request. 8 digit UPC will be sent via SMS to the subscriber by the DONOR operator i.e. the present operator. […]

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Mobile News

TRAI Issues Draft Regulations on Mobile Number Portability

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) issued draft Regulations to facilitate Mobile Number Portability (MNP) implementation in India. The draft regulations lay down the business process for implementing mobile number portability. The Authority had recommended implementation of MNP in the whole country in a phased manner, starting from Metros and A category service areas followed by B and C category service areas. […]