Portable WAMP that Run Apache, Perl, PHP, MySQL – Download Uniform Server

Uniform Server is a portable WAMP package that includes the latest versions of Apache2, Perl5, PHP5, MySQL5, phpMyAdmin. You can run this server on any MS Windows OS based computer without  need to install or configure any software in it.

The Uniform Server can also run from a removable media for a portable web server. You can use the Uniform Server to test the applications made with either PHP, MySQL, Perl, or the Apache HTTP Server.  It can be activated without any installation, is self-contained,  and the package itself is under 10MB.

Download Uniform Server

[advt]It can be moved around from folder to folder, drive to drive, without causing any problems or need for re-install or re-setup. Its lightweight functionality also allow use for it to be burned to a CD or for it to be run from a flash drive even your camera’s  flash or memory stick.

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