Free Internet Speed Monitoring Software – Download NetStatLive

NetStatLive is a free internet speed monitoring software. NetStatLive will show the exact amount of outgoing or incoming data to  computer when user are connected to the internet. User get accurate results using any form of internet connection like DSL, cable, local network, etc. NetStat Live can be especially useful in identifying if  computer is what’s slowing things down, or if it’s internet connection. NetStat Live lets user see how quickly data goes from  computer to another computer on the internet; NetStat Live even will tell, how many other computers user’s data must go through to get there. NetStat Live also graphs  CPU usage of system.

Download NetStatLive

[advt]User may sometimes find their internet to be running slow than normal. User get frustrated and try all sorts of ways to get a good internet speed. Few ways I have tried are, restarting my modem, deleting temp internet files, running PC optimization tools, and many more. These ways seldom work but are usually a waste of time. Instead, you can use this internet speed monitoring software. You will get all the information you want about your data transfer and internet speed.


  • Lightweight.
  • Monitorsinternet speed.
  • Gives detailed results on incoming and outgoing data.
  • Provides information on data usage.
  • Works with all versions of Windows.
  • Works with all forms of internet connections like DSL, Cable, local network, etc.
  • Provides data transfer rate.

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