Easy Duplicate File Finder – Remove Duplicate FIles

Easy-Duplicate-File-FinderEasy Duplicate File Finder helps you find and remove duplicate files on your PC. It finds true duplicates by content (instead of file name and size alone). You can scan multiple folders/drives at the same time, and the search can be restricted by using a scan mask and/or specifying a size condition. Lists of duplicates can be exported to HTML.

Easy Duplicate Finder uses a three-step process to quickly and easily locate and remove duplicate files from your system. Simply add the folders you wish to scan and define the file mask (all files, JPEG, MP3) from the drop-down menu. Click the Start button in Step 2 and the program very quickly displays any found duplicates.Easy Duplicate File Finder

Download Easy Duplicate File Finder

[advt]While the program is scanning your system, you can actively watch the numbers of files scanned, original files to duplicates, and the space used by said files. Using the export button, we were able to easily export the program’s findings. Finally, we had to decide what to do with the files. We had the option of deselecting all files, renaming them, moving them to a folder, and deleting selected files.

We went through each option, and all worked perfectly. The Settings menu gives you two file-comparison options (CRC32 and byte-by-byte) and help is available through the publisher’s Web site.

The program does add extra desktop icons without asking and we had to manually remove some items after the program was uninstalled. Still, Easy Duplicate Finder proved to be a very thorough and reliable file-management tool, but because of the risk of accidentally deleting important files, we only recommend this program for more-experienced users.

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