Download Wieldy To-Do List Manager for Organizing Programs

Wieldy is a to-do list manager that can help to get your life organized. At its simplest you can use the program to record things you need to get done, assigning them to the Next Action, Today or Someday category for easy browsing later. You’re also able to schedule actions for a particular time and date, though. And the program allows you to organize your To Do’s by attaching them to Projects, so you might have some for work, others for big family events, anything you like.

Download Wieldy 

[advt]There’s also support for data encryption, task priorities, and recurring actions. You’re able to give actions tags and then filter by those tags, making it simple to view particular groups of tasks. And there’s even some synchronization with other information managers, like Outlook.

If there’s a problem here it’s that Wieldy is lacking any documentation, so you’ll have to explore and experiment to find out exactly what it can do. It’s a surprisingly powerful program, though, so if you’re looking for an organizer then Wieldy is well worth an hour or two of your time.

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