Download VIP Access Android App – Provide Security Code

Validation & ID Protection (VIP) Access for Mobile is a free online security credential that you can download to your mobile phone. VIP Access for Mobile provides a security code from your phone that you can use with your user name and password for secure account access. Use VIP Access at member sites such as eBay and PayPal.[androidqrcode:]

Download VIP Access for Android

VIP Access works:

VIP Access helps protect your accounts and your identity by requiring a higher level of security when you conduct online transactions. To use VIP Access, launch the VIP Access application from your mobile phone, and note the unique security code. Then, Sign In to participating online banks and merchant sites from your desktop or mobile browser with your user name, password, and the unique security code.

To access the VIP :

  • Click the Home navigation tab at the top of this page.
  • Select a phone, and then follow the download prompts.
  • Register your VIP Access credential at each VIP member site where you conduct online business. A VIP member site is a bank or online merchant that belongs to the VIP Network. Member sites display the Validation & ID Protection logo.
  • Each time you access a VIP member site, launch VIP Access from your mobile phone and note the unique security code. Sign In from your desktop or mobile browser with your user name, password, and the unique VIP security code. The VIP member site verifies that the security code came from your VIP Access credential, and enables you to access their site.

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