Download JDisk – Free Tool to Show Most Space Consuming Folder

JDisk is a free Java-based tool which makes it easy to see which folders are using the most hard drive space. It’ll scan all your drives and folders. This can take some time as JDisk must itemize every file on your hard drive. It’ll display a list of all your folders, sorted in size order, and just a glance will reveal the space hogs. But for more detail, click on a folder like “Program Files” to see a neat pie chart showing the largest of your installed applications.

Download JDisk 

[advt]If the chart isn’t enough, then try the other tabs for a range of different analytical views. You can view the top 50 largest files in a particular set of folders, for instance. The “Modified” tab provides a bar chart showing when the files in these folders were modified, helping you see if these are active documents, or forgotten junk which hasn’t been touched in years. And the “Types” tab shows the distribution of space according to file type, so if, say, a folder of videos is distorting the figures then it’ll be obvious here.

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