Download Free File Wiper – Recover Deleted Files Easily

Free File Wiper enables you to do quickly and easily recover the deleted file. This portable app appears as a trash can icon that can be positioned anywhere on screen and any files that are dragged to this floating window will be securely deleted. There are four different types of data overwriting to choose from ranging from deleting and overwriting with zeros, to deleting and overwriting seven times with a combination of zeroes, ones and random characters. The process is fairly swift, although the greater the number of overwrites, the longer things take.

Download Free File Wiper

Free File Wiper is quick and easy to use, and the fact that it is a portable app means that it is ideal software to add to your USB drive. Whenever you are using a computer other than your own, files can be securely deleted so there is no chance of your private information falling into the wrong hands.

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