Color Selection Dialog for Web Designers – Download Absolute Color Picker

Absolute Color Picker is a free color picker designed for web-designers and webmasters for converting colors into Hex representation. The component is easy to use and implement in projects. This is a simple application based on Absolute Color Picker ActiveX Control that lets user  select and pick colors by means of various color models and convert them into HTML-based hexadecimal representation. Being a great compact color designer it features a free color picker, color scheme generator, color history builder, color scheme management system, screen color grabber.

Absolute Color Picker is 100% compatible with most graphics packages and is the best compact choice for professional designers, freelancers and home users. Absolute Color Picker provides facilities to adjust color by entering desired color constituents values in appropriate boxes or modify values by moving slider. In addition, users can also rely on the eye-dropper, the most convenient utility to grab colors from the screen.

Download Absolute Color Picker

The latest version of this free color picker features an eye dropper. Hold down the mouse button and click the eye-dropper and go to any point of the screen to get the color of that point. All the colors user have selected will be saved as history and there are 12 slots where you can save them. User can pick any color that is being displayed on the screen with screen eye dropper. But the best feature of this software is the HTML color conversion.


  • HTML color conversion allows you to convert any color to HTML based Hex representation[advt]
  • Pick any color showing on the screen with Screen eye dropper
  • All user selected colors will be saved as history and user can save about 12 colors
  • Predefined color palettes
  • Color selection dialogs are customizable
  • Customize saturation, brightness, hue and other parameters separately.

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